A huge victory over the “evil one”.
The name ANDWON was taken from 1 John 2:12-14 which describes a huge victory over the “evil one”. It describes the “vitality and strength” of young people and how God’s word is so steady within them. It instructs them that their fellowship with God enables them to gain a victory over the evil one. Another words, they fight and they WIN! The ANDWON Ministry is a youth ministry which takes over where the Saturday Sunday School ministry ends. Once the children turn 13 they are then moved into the ANDWON Youth Ministry which will take place on Wednesday evenings. Here rather than focus on attracting and building “numbers” there is an intense desire to build young people. We do this by having times for discussion, times for fellowship, and times to break down into smaller groups for more comprehensive instruction. Oh yeah, there is also games, music, videos and other exciting events that make for a quality night together. Oh, there is something else; we do take whatever measures and do all that is ethical to let these young people know we will stick with them through whatever.